It is less than common knowledge that where an individual is detained, without a warrant and without having committed a crime (traffic infractions are not crimes), the detention is a false arrest and false imprisonment.
Vigilantibus et non dormientibus
serviunt leges. The laws serve the vigilant, not
those who
sleep upon their rights.
The force of law and its applicability to a specific event depends upon the law’s jurisdiction over the particular person having been established on the record of the matter. The issue of jurisdiction is everything when it comes to victimless offenses being asserted by a fictional accuser over a natural man or woman presumed to be acting in the capacity of a legal fiction.
Legal vs. Lawful; What Is The Difference Between These Two ConceptsCommon law maxim:
Jus publicum privatorum pactis mutari non potest. A public right cannot be changed by private agreement.
Maxim reflected in case law:
“The claim and exercise of a constitutional right cannot thus be converted into a crime.” – Miller v. U.S., 230 F.2d 486, at 489 (1956)