Important Announcement Regarding An Update to One of Our Publications

Date:  January 6, 2016

Hello Friends,

Whether you are a new subscriber to this newsletter or someone who has been reading our material for some time, you may have noticed over the past several months that no new articles have appeared on our website nor have any newsletter emails gone out. The reason behind this is that for the past several months I’ve been busy doing more research in an effort to discover the root origins for the system of law that we now live under.

And finally I have found something that not only makes sense, but which has been proving to be true through actual experience and is not just an empty theory designed to keep people running around in circles.

As many of you are aware, the Internet can be a tantalizing tool to use in researching any subject you have an interest in learning more about. By that I mean, you can never be certain that what you are reading can be verified as being honest and truthful and therefore useful information. That is, unless you understand the basic fundamentals that make up the subject matter of which you are researching. If you understand those basic fundamentals, you can separate the wheat from the chaff in terms of truthful information on any given subject.

As you are also aware, doing research (whether on the Internet or elsewhere) can be a very time consuming endeavor. It takes time to first find and then to verify any information you may be seeking to learn more about. Not everyone has the time or the inclination to track down valid information about a subject as varied and bewildering as the law can be.

When I first started this project (, I merely wanted to share knowledge with others of a process that I had learned about and tested the validity of through actual experience. By the time I put the website up, I had successfully used the process three times! On three separate occasions over a four year period. The process seemed simple enough to understand and didn’t require having a degree in law in order to use. What it did require was paying attention to detail.

It was my in-depth understanding of the process and how to use it that held me in good stead thoughout these ordeals. Yet, what I began to see, almost from the beginning in sharing this material, was that many readers were not paying close enough attention to the little details involved in using the material. People were trying to use it in situtations in which they had already relinquished personam jurisdiction, as this is the main jurisdiction we are challenging first when using the “refused for cause” process.

This led me to look deeper into the system of law being used in the courts in order to see if I could find a remedy that could be used to overcome the initial relinquishment of personam jurisdiction. I soon learned that challenging subject matter jurisdiction can be done at any time and is always open to challenge. Subject matter jurisdiction has to do with having a verified claim in addition to the complaint being filed. In all (not most, but all) victimless violations there is no verified claim being made. This means that even if you fail to make a proper stand on personam jurisdiction, that you can prevail by successfully challenging subject matter jurisdiction.

The announcement mentioned in the subject line of this email is in reference to additions of new material and revisions I have recently made in the text of the ebook How to Handle the Five Scenarios, An Explanation Of The Concepts Behind The “Refused For Cause” Process. This ebook has just been updated, revised, and expanded with new information that will help you begin to put the pieces of the puzzle together surrounding the hidden history of how law is being adjudicated in the courts of our country.

Many of the revisions to the original text are not major revisions, but rather are small additions to help clarify what is being stated. Other longer revisions (paragraph length) were inserted to clarify points which were not made clear in the first edition of this ebook. Many of these longer revisions needed more time for experience to catch up with observation and understanding before they could be published in order to verify how the System was dealing with various approaches to the process being taught.

The highlight of this Revised Edition will be the addition of a new Chapter following Chapter Six entitled “Updated Thoughts On Scenario Five.” The original Chapter Seven is still there, but has only been revised and renamed Chapter Eight in order to accommodate the new Chapter Seven.

Chapter Seven, beginning on page 29 (PDF page 38), contains an update regarding how the civil authority treated the matter it addressed over three years ago which was the basis for Scenario Five, and how this became recorded in their public records. It’s all a big show if you know how to take it. It also showed that performing the process correctly can and will result in a dismissal of the matter with nothing at all showing up in their records.

The blockbuster insight which is discussed in the second half of the new Chapter Seven of which you need to be aware has to do with the undisclosed presumption that is being used by the courts to gain jurisdiction over people, that is men and women. If you are aware of this undisclosed presumption, you can challenge it in open court if it becomes necessary. We have been able to verify this premise from two different angles and from the personal anecdotes of people who have had first hand experience having to fight this undisclosed presumption in court.

If for no other reason than to read this incredible story documenting a portion of the hidden history of our country and the way in which the courts work, this Revised Edition will be a welcomed addition to your knowledge base. It will begin to help clear up some of the confusion we have all experienced when going to court and the court does not act the way we would have expected it to act. Included are links to documentation which, if properly understood, will help you personally to verify the historical accuracy of this information. This is real must see information which will provide readers with an insight into law that they have never ever before considered.

For everyone who has downloaded Common Law Remedy To Beat Traffic Tickets yet who has failed to purchase the ebook How to Handle the Five Scenarios, your neglect for failing to look into this ebook has just become more critical. Especially if you are wanting to arm yourself with the knowledge necessary in order to prevail in court over any matter that may involve your state’s legal system. And that includes issues involving family law, credit card and other loan or debt challenges, as well as being able to eliminate income and property taxes.

An additional benefit arising from a purchase of this material is that your email address will be put on a Special Private Mailing list in which subscribers will be able to share in  additional insights and research about the law as they come up and are published. There is no additional cost to the information being shared with the subscribers on this list, and the only way you can get on the list is to have bought the How to Handle the Five Scenarios ebook in the first place. Everyone who has already bought the ebook is automatically grandfathered into this Special Private Mailing list. I’ll be sharing more about this private list in the future.

To your health and well-being. It is my sincere hope that this new year will bring you the answers you need that will enhance the satisfaction in your life. 

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to write.

If you haven’t already purchased it, you can obtain the download page link for the Revised Edition of How to Handle the Five Scenarios on the following page:

Yours sincerely,

Thomas Eliot
Common Law Remedy


Announcement about the Newsletter

Dates: January 16, 2016

Hello Friends,

It has been a long time in coming, but I’m finally ready to begin sharing with you more of  what I have learned about the law through publishing a semi-consistent subscription newsletter service. I won’t commit to how often these newsletters will be sent, whether on a weekly or a bi-weekly or a monthly basis or whatever as they are free to people who subscribe to download the free Common Law Remedy report. The frequency of publication also depends upon my workload at any given time.

But what I will commit to is sharing with you the absolute best of what I am learning and confirming about the law and how it can be used to halt the statutory system’s incursions on your individual liberty so that you can make up your own mind as to how you wish to use it in your own individual circumstance.

For those who are long time subscribers, you have no doubt noticed that during the first year (2014) of operation, there were no email newsletters being sent out on any kind of consistent basis. In fact, there were no emails sent out at all! The only publication I had to offer was the free report, and my commitment to answering individual email inquiries.

This is because I needed time to learn more and to be able to positively confirm the effectiveness of what I was learning by sharing it with others and soliciting the feedback of their experience. During that time, I learned a lot more about the key factors involved in being able to successfully assert this process in a variety of situations. In addition, I needed time to do more research, which is a neverending process when one is learning something new, especially within a dynamic field of application such as is the case with the law.

It was also a matter that I was very busy answering emails from individual subscribers wanting to ask for clarification about the process I was sharing. In some cases, they asked questions that I had little experience from which to draw in order to answer, which necessitated doing more research. All of this takes TIME, of which was in short supply.

During the past two years, whenever I came upon a crucial idea that needed to be shared, I have used the Articles section of the website to publish that information for all to whom it may concern. Toward the middle of last year, I began to send out an intermittent newsletter announcing the advent of a new article placed on the website or, in a couple of instances, links to relevant information on other websites that I monitor. 

Teaching people about the law is, in its essence, not difficult; but teaching people how to use the law in a court setting is a whole different ball of wax. In the courtroom, you have to pay attention to detail and to the implied contracts that are constantly being formed around the oral discussion. If you’re not paying attention or you don’t know what you’re doing, you can quickly lose sight of what needs to be asserted and lose your position.

The problem with teaching people a process like the “refused for cause” process is that they can tend to view it as being a silver bullet for their problems, when that is emphatically not the case. It has to be applied correctly to be effective, and that means understanding the timeliness of the process of application. (Sometimes, as in the case of some jurisdictions, the public actors can be either too corrupt or too ignorant about actual law to realize when you are asserting your rights as a man or woman, and are willing to ride roughshod over their victim.)

While it can be a silver bullet if you know how to hold your position without consenting to the opposition’s jurisdiction, it can just as easily turn south if you slip up and make a mistake. And then it can become like a Venus flytrap, with your opponent closing in on all sides around you.

For readers who have just subscribed to this newsletter, take some time to read and understand the free report. And if you haven’t already, read the articles on the website in order to begin comprehending the principles surrounding living within a civil society where people are presumed to be bound by certain social conventions that are being used to propagandize and subject them to outside authority (or what has come to be identified as private law). 

Once you comprehend these principles and are able to confirm their common sense, the process of de-programming your mind of the rubbish you have been fed will proceed much smoother. Just knowing, perhaps for the first time in your life, that you have a choice of law (statutory or common law, by which law you consent to be bound), can be a liberating realization to have all in itself. 

Regarding anyone who sends in a personal inquiry, please be aware that I am only one person and do not have staff of people working for me to answer timely every inquiry that is received. I do my best to keep up with the frequency of inquiries received, and your occasional patience in receiving a reply is appreciated.

Though you may not know it, I do take a personal interest in everyone who takes the time to subscribe and to correspond. I genuinely desire that you understand this material and law well enough to be able to use it successfully because I know that it can be effective. In this day and age, knowing and understanding actual law and how to use it can lead not only to greater satisfaction in your life, but most of all to peace of mind.

And finally, I do encourage your feedback, good or bad, as this helps me to help you. So any time that you can provide your feedback is welcome and appreciated, especially the victories.

Yours sincerely,

Thomas Eliot
Common Law Remedy

P.S.  In subsequent Newsletters, in order to save space in the "Subject” line, I will abbreviate "Common Law Remedy” to CLR. This provides you with an identifier so that you know that it’s not junk mail. If you haven’t already, please whitelist this email address to assure reception of your newsletter.


Personal Introduction: Background and Interest in Law

Date:  January 20, 2016

Hello Friends,

It occurred to me that readers might have an interest in knowing a bit about my personal background and interest in law. After all, doesn’t it sound reasonable to know a little about the author you are reading in order to determine for yourself his competency in the subject matter about which he writes? Yet for the sake of refraining from boring you with my mundane story, I’ll attempt to keep this as brief as possible and to stick to the facts.

Educationally, after graduating high school in the top ten percent of my class, I attended a community college for two years after which I transferred to a state university where I earned a bachelor of arts degree in English. My side interests in academic studies during that time were in history (primarily American history) and philosophy (mostly Eastern rather than Western). The thought didn’t occur to me at the time, but as it turned out my primary choices of study would come in handy later in life.

After graduating from college, I started out in the business world as a proofreader for an advertising typography shop in a large metropolitan city in the southwest. Throughout my education and early business life, there was always a focus on words and their meaning from which I developed a desire to become a writer. Next to English and literature, I cultivated a secondary passion in the study of history.

When I was twenty and still in school (circa 1972), it occurred to me one day (as it may have to many of you) that the world we live in was quite artificial, and becoming more so with each passing day. Things were happening in an ever more rapid pace, and what we learned in school didn’t seem to always apply in the real world. Something wasn’t right, and my fascination with history and learning the truth about what happened in the past played a role in my awakening to what I could sense was going on but couldn’t quite put my finger on to understand.

Also during that time I was forming an apolitical stance toward politics. Neither of the two main political parties had much to offer in the way of contrast. You were left with a choice between either tweedle-dee or tweedle-dum. From what I was able to learn from the newspapers and television, politics was a dirty rotten game and only crooks and thieves ever became involved in it. What was it that Lord Acton stated? “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

In most cases if you voted in the national elections, you held your nose as you voted for the least repugnant of the candidates. I did that once, and then stopped voting altogether.

Early on in my young adult life I made up my mind to avoid at all costs anything to do with lawyers and attorneys, and to steer as clear as I was able from any involvement in the legal system. From what I was hearing from others experiences, the courts didn't seem to care much about the truth of a matter. I didn't know at the time, but it wasn't Law that they were adjudicating, but rather contract law. No one ever bothered to teach that in school.

All during this time, whenever I could, I kept my ears open for any little clue I could gleen about the law and how to avoid becoming involved in a legal controversy. I tried looking for books about law in bookstores, but none of them had anything worth reading which would explain to a layperson in simple everyday terms how the law worked and what you had to do in order to handle certain situations.

One thing I recall from high school hearing from the son of an attorney in civics class was that his father had mentioned to him that Admiralty law was what he should study if he wanted to make it as an attorney. That always stuck in my mind, and I never forgot about hearing that. I wondered to myself, “Why Admiralty law? What did that have to do with anything. Wasn’t that about the law of the sea? How many cases are there concerning the sea?” Obviously, I was quite naïve about law at the time.

Over the years I picked up tidbits about law and the legal system usually from individuals with whom I became acquainted. For example, while I was a member of a religious order, I had occasion during a brief period of time to work with the superior of the order in the legal division. I learned from him that the paperwork submitted in any legal matter was very important, and that usually the party with the best paperwork prevailed in the matter.

He of course was speaking about more than just the outward appearance of the neatness of the documents, but more about the substance that they contained. Cases were won or lost on the effectiveness of the documentation of evidence supporting the assertion being made. In other words if a material fact being testified to is not documented, it is as though the fact never existed.

It wasn’t until 2008 that I began to look more deeply into studying Law. By that time the resource of the Internet was both a godsend and a curse. Not only was there good and truthful information to be found, but there was also half-truths and mythology being spread around. And some of the latter sounded pretty credible. So I had to develop a truth detector in order to ferret out what was true and what was false about what I was finding in my research.

It was during this time that I was looking at having to relinquish my driver license (because I wasn’t about to stand for being the victim of extortion by the government) while not being allowed to register the tags on my car until the problem with the DL was cleared up. The possibility of losing my means of transportation was incentive enough to urge me to action and to become more serious and selective in my research. In other words, I couldn’t afford to make a mistake in my discernment of the law. I was only interested in finding those processes that would strike at the jugular vein of my opponent. I wasn’t interested in pussyfooting around with these mafia pirates.

When I learned what the phrase “legal word [or term] of art” meant, that opened up a whole new avenue of research for me. An avenue that I was familar with, having been an English major: meaning words. That’s when I began to discover that what these courts and the legal system were paying attention to was intimately involved with the words and the definition of the words being used in any given matter. In other words, if you don’t understand the legalese, how do you know what you are attempting to rebut? Or that you are attempting to rebut anything at all?

There is more to tell, but you are all probably bored to tears by now. All I can do to encourage each one of you in this effort at studying Law is to say that once you begin to understand the concepts involved, it is not that difficult to understand and become competent at Law. Where most people fail is in being able to identify and document through sworn testimony the exculpatory facts that would exonerate them from the false claims being made against them.

There is one last point I would like to bring up. There are resources on the Beat Traffic Tickets website that will help to begin filling in some of the missing pieces in your education in Law. Some people are taking advantage of those resources while others are not. One of the areas I wish to clarify for you during the course of publishing this newsletter and in conjunction with articles yet to be written, involve taking a closer look at some of those specific resources in order to inspire you to take advantage of them. After all, it is only for your own benefit that they are mentioned at all.

As always I encourage your feedback, good or bad, as this helps me to help you correctly understand your process.

Yours sincerely,

Thomas Eliot
Common Law Remedy


The Willing vs. The Unwilling: Why The Private Mailing List

Date:  January 27, 2016

Hello Friends,

As I mentioned at the end of a previous newsletter (the January 6, 2016 newsletter; subject line: Important Announcement Regarding An Update to One of Our Publications), I promised to share more about the concept of the Special Private Mailing List in which subscribers who have purchased the ebook How to Handle the Five Scenarios will be able to share in additional insights and research about the law as these insights are uncovered and are published there. 

It was in January of 2012 when I decided to devote myself full time to the study of law in order to protect my personal interests from the continuing financial piracy being orchestrated by the state and federal governments. During the four years prior to that I had been researching and studying the legal system haphazardly as it applied to various issues that faced me.

Back then (in 2012) I could see the writing on the wall in terms of the direction the political sector of the country was heading, and I began a more focused examination of the law. As it turned out, fate took hold later on that year when I was ticketed during the summer for the second time in three years, an incident the gist of which is documented in the Fifth Scenario published in the free Common Law Remedy report. This time my knowledge of the process was really going to be put to a test.

It was the result of that experience that convinced me that I should record and share some of the research material I had come across and used in order to help me extirpate myself from that circumstance. The amount of time it took to investigate properly all the elements involved that might have a bearing on the matter was enormous. Most people wouldn’t want to spend the time to carry out such an investigation much less to contemplate beginning one.

This experience served to illustrate a point that had been made to me several years prior by one of my mentors. At the time, he pointed out to me that there were two types of people in the world: those who are willing and those who are unwilling. Looking at this very simply, it can be broken down into those who are willing to do the work necessary in order to obtain a stated goal and those who are not. If a person has the attitude that they are unwilling to do whatever it takes to achieve a goal, then I suppose they get what they bargain for.

After much thought and consideration and based upon the most efficient use of my time, I’ve decided to divide the subscriber mailing lists into two groups. While all subscribers will receive the general newsletters being sent out and be able to benefit from the insights published there, only a select group of subscribers will be entitled to receive a Special Private Edition of a newsletter that will dig deeper into the nuanced study of various aspects of the law that are sometimes touched upon in the general newsletter which may help them to gain a more profound perspective regarding what they wish to achieve using the law.

The way the government courts operate and practice their brand of so-called “law” these days is not an easy subject to teach. Perhaps that is why there are so few people willing to teach it. And while I don’t claim to be an expert, from the many hours of research and contemplation on this subject I’ve been able to pick up quite a bit of archaic knowledge which has held me in good stead regarding those matters in law that I wish to achieve.
Ideally, the best possible scenario for any aspiring student of the law to achieve would be to have the ability to be able to think about any given subject of potential controversy and be able to figure out how to best handle it to one’s own satisfaction. And while at first glance this may seem like a tall mountain to climb, if a person has developed the ability to be able to ferret out the facts of a matter and he also possesses good powers of  reasoning, he should be able to use the principles of law that he has already learned (or is in the process of learning) in order to arrive at a rational approach to any matter.

In the past, when I first started this project, there were not many visitors to the website who ended up subscribing, and I could keep up with any inquiries they made as well as questions coming from people who had purchased the material yet were seeking an educated opinion about specific issues with which they were having to deal. This also allowed me to be able to pursue, relatively uninterrupted, other writing projects connected with the website. But over the past year, website traffic has increased three fold and subscription rates have increased 231%. And as more and more people are alerted to the website, this number will only increase with time. 

I can foresee a time when all my time may be taken up just responding to the many inquiries that arrive, leaving me with little time to continue my own education much less to be able to continue publishing new material for readers from which to contemplate and learn. And while this is not a for-profit business, it is a service for those who sincerely wish to learn about the law from a reliable source.

Because I don’t consider this project a business and I am not in the business of dispensing “legal advice,” it would be ethically and morally wrong of me to charge a fee for my time, and so I do not. Aside from that, I cannot guarantee that anyone will understand the material in the same way that I do, and therefore I cannot take responsibility for someone else’s shortcomings in applying any suggestions I might offer. As a student of the law, one must take responsibility for their own actions when using any process, whether they correctly understood the process or not. Sometimes, an experience gone south is the best teacher. Which is why I encourage people’s feedback in order to help them discover where they may have gone wrong.

I have been putting up with the interruptions in my schedule for over a year now, and I refuse to turn down anyone who has a sincere inquiry about the law. However, this situation cannot continue if I am now prepared to begin publishing a newsletter on a more or less regular basis. While I appreciate the offers of compensation which some people make, it is my time that is most valuable – given the daily amount of personal chores with which I have to keep up.

What I am willing to do, for those who have a sincere desire to learn all they can about the many options available to them using the law, is to provide them with access to answers to a variety of questions that have already been asked. This would be available in the form of a Frequently Asked Questions PDF which will cover several different issues which can arise, and should provide readers with a valuable resource for their own matters. These anecdotal comments will be gleaned from actual inquiries that I have received and continue to receive, with the understanding that the actual parties involved will remain anonymous.

What this resource will also provide is added insight into specific nuances of the law which have not been touched upon in the articles or the general newsletter. Those people who are on the Private Mailing List will have instant access to this PDF at no cost (that is, once I am able to collate it and format it into a publication). Others who are not on the Private Mailing List will have the option of purchasing this material for a nominal fee. Purchasing this FAQ PDF will not put anyone on the Private Mailing List. That still can only be accomplished by purchasing the How to Handle the Five Scenarios ebook or the Discount Package, but it will allow people who are not on that list access to this resource material. This seems to be the most fair way that I can imagine to be able to provide answers to people’s questions while at the same time being compensated for my time..

The variety of situations covered and the replies given should provide readers with an education in the real world application of the common law to many issues that can come up when dealing with the statutory jurisdiction. How one handles these matters depends upon their grasp of the material (the concepts and principles) that they've already presumably learned, and how well they are able to apply what they have learned about identifying the real issues in a given circumstance.

Having this resource will allow me to refer subsequent inquirers to answers that are duplicatable in the material that is covered in this FAQ PDF. It should also be understood that once a person fulfills the requirement to be listed in the Private Mailing List (PML), they will have access to all the past PML newsletters which will be archived for subscribers use. New subscribers to the PML newsletter will not have missed a thing that has been previously discussed in the past. 

As always, I am open to input or feedback on any issues related to anything brought up in our communications. 

Yours sincerely,

Thomas Eliot
Common Law Remedy


If you would like to learn more about these concepts so you can avoid the whole mess without having to “appear” in court at all, you can download our free ebook Common Law Remedy To Beat Traffic Tickets and learn about the secrets that the courts and legal profession don’t want you to know.

If you’d like to learn more about the law and how it can serve you, don’t hesitate to check out our Articles on Traffic Law section. Discover some of the secrets of law that you’ve never been taught!

The laws sometimes sleep, but never die.